Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dress for your Body Type: Diamond and Oval

Hey all! Its weird cause I actually have an audience to talk to now! I wanted to think you so much for following my blog, I do really appreciate it! I really want to say sorry for taking so long to update my blog, the world has proven that it wants to keep me away from the internet, but here I am for you're entertainment. Todays Post is going to be another Dress for Your Body Type, but this time I have chosen more common body types for us voluptuous ladies: Diamond and Oval

Don't know if you're beautiful body is Diamond or Oval Shaped? Here is what they entail:
  •  Your waist is undefined, very similar as the rectangle body shape. [Some of those guidelines may also work for you!]
  • You may have a larger high stomach for Diamond or a large low stomach for Oval
  • You may have love handles
  • You might have a large or flat bottom
  • You may have wide hips if you are Oval 
To dress for your beautiful Diamond or Oval shape you want to dress to draw attention to your face, neck and shoulders. 

Now to do this in Lolita may seem a bit tricky, but remember, no matter what your shape you CAN look good in Lolita, its all about deciding what works best for your body type and then making and awesome coord that involves just that! For these body types the styling tips are basically the same.

You are going to want to wear lower necklines, for which I recommend cutsews, they aren't all that low in the neck, BUT in comparison to a blouse they are a lot lower. Personally for these body types I don't like OP's or JSK's. I like the look of sperates, a skirt paired with a cute cutsew and a cardi for that over-all Lolita look. Of course color and style are up to you! I also think that that large pettis make larger body types seem a bit smaller, as the size difference between your waist and the bottom of the skirt flared out is pretty drastic, it is going to give you the illusion of a smaller waist. And remember DON'T tuck in your cutsew! It will give you an over all round shape and that is not what we are going for.

And don't forget a truly finished coord includes accessories, make-up and a hairstyle, so don't skimp on those details! You're already putting in so much work, why not just add those finishing touches and make your outfit go from wow to WONDERFUL!

As always thanks for reading, and remember that you are all beautiful individuals, and that no matter you're size or shape you are gorgeous!

Next Time: My Little Sister Turns 3! Cleo's Fairy Teaparty, and Dealing with Parents who HATE Lolita.
They are related trust me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog from the egl_plus community and this is really good advice so far! I look forward to reading more.
    xx Katie. ^v^
